Date updated: December 21, 2017
Make the most of holiday visits: What to look for when visiting aging adults is a thought provoking blog. The writer and the host of the article ( Aging Life Care Association website) are both based in the United States. What you have seen and discussed during holiday visits are most often starting points on this journey.
Many resources on aging-well are located in your local areas and Province/ Territory. In NL please contact your Regional Health Authority at 1-855-376-4957 to report an adult who may be at risk of abuse or neglect and who does not understand or appreciate that risk. No long distance charges will apply. You can report confidentially. Call 911 for emergencies or situations requiring the police. The Adult Protection Act protects adults who are at risk of abuse and neglect, and who do not understand or appreciate that risk.
Seniors and their family/ friends may refer to the Public Legal Information Association of NL