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Date updated: August 25, 2023

CNIB Newfoundland and Labrador

In response to COVID-19, the CNIB Foundation has expanded its virtual program offerings across Canada. These programs are free and available to Canadians who are blind or partially sighted as well as their families, friends and caregivers.

Celebrating 100 years in 2018, the CNIB Foundation is a national, non-profit organization driven to change what it is to be blind today. Programs and advocacy empower people impacted by blindness to live their dreams and tear down barriers to inclusion. The CNIB Group is made up of the CNIB Foundation, Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada, and CNIB Deafblind Community Services

Programs at CNIB Newfoundland and Labrador include:

  • Live – CNIB cards,  Guide Dog Program…
  • Play- Indoor and outdoors walking clubs, Tech Time Tuesdays…
  • Work- Career and Employment – Internships, returnships and mentorships…
  • CNIB SHOP at The Boulevard where people who are blind or partially-sighted can access over 70 different gadgets to help them in daily living.
  • Vision Loss Rehabilitation Newfoundland and Labrador NOTE: For more information on rehabilitation services, click here to visit their site



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