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Date updated: May 9, 2024

SpacesShared Home Sharing in NL

SpacesShared provides students who need an affordable place to stay paired with seniors experiencing loneliness who have rooms to rent. Seniors also benefit from rental income, support in their home and a sense of purpose while students are provided with a safe and affordable place to stay. CONTACT: Website:  platform online Telephone: 1-833-766-6329 Toll Free Email:…

Better Breathing Choir Online and In Person

The Better Breathing Choir meets online via Zoom, Wednesdays at 7:30 pm for an hour. We also offer some hybrid sessions which take place at the same time at the School of Music, Memorial University. Contact Jane Gosine for information about when sessions take place and how to join. There is no registration fee to…


Connections for Seniors, a non-profit agency in St. John’s, provides temporary shelter and supportive services for older men, older women, or older couples who are 55 years of age and older and facing homelessness or in crisis. They help seniors navigate complex systems linked to health, housing, legal, and financial matters (Community Outreach). ELIGIBILITY –…

How to Cope with Caregiver Anger

“Caregiving definitely makes us tougher and grow thicker skin. We constantly go through so many different and unexpected situations, balancing on an emotional roller coaster every single day. Over time, we get less upset about many things and control better our actions and reactions. Sometimes, we lash out when we feel angry, depleted, and controlless,…


Meals on Wheels in Newfoundland and Labrador SERVICE: Meals on Wheels provide low-cost, nutritious, home-delivered meals to seniors and persons with disabilities. Meals on Wheels Bonavista FOR NEW CLIENTS – INTAKE FOR Meals on Wheels program Bonavista area: 709-468-2073 (Community Health Services) FOR EXISTING CLIENTS Contact MOW Bonavista: 709-468-5273 Contact Golden Heights Manor Kitchen: 709-468-5272…

Mindful Toolkit: Mental Wellness for Men

Mindful Toolkit: Mental Wellness for Men Mental health tools and resources for men and their families. Backed by healthcare professionals to tackle chronic stress, anxiety, and mild to moderate depression.  Click here for the link to the Mens Mental Health Foundation

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