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Date updated: November 9, 2021

Sex over Fifty: Best Sex in Years (AIDS Committee NL)

Normalizing sexuality is one of the purposes of the AIDS Committee NL (ACNL). The Aging Working Group’s vision: to help our aging population become more comfortable about talking about their sexual health with their partners, their physicians and health professionals. Available online.  

Older Adults and Depression: Learn the Signs and Find Treatment

Older Adults: Do you feel very tired, helpless, and hopeless? Have you lost interest in many of the activities and interests you previously enjoyed? Are you having trouble working, sleeping, eating, and functioning? Have you felt this way day after day? If you answered yes, you may be experiencing depression.

Visits With Health Professionals

Form with checklists for seniors and others to use prior to and during visit with a health professional. Revised with appreciation by SeniorsNL from Community Centre Alliance and Literacy Nova Scotia’s interactive newspaper, The Learning Beacon.

Easy, Tasty… Nutritious: Healthy Eating for Healthy Aging

As people age, healthy eating is extremely important to keeping good health and independence. The focus of the guide is on planning, shopping, cooking healthy meals, eating alone, using leftovers, and having an emergency food shelf. Many of the recipes that can be found in the guide were tested in kitchens right here in Newfoundland…

Online Self assessment: Is isolation affecting me?

Connecting with others is something that improves our quality of life. Complete the self-assessment provided. Connect2 Affect will help you understand how connected you are and provide you with helpful resources. You may find the tips useful. Resources suggested may be American. American-based links may give you ideas on what to look for (information and resources)…

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