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Date updated: April 30, 2018

Anti-fraud videos – The Little Black Book of Scams (Competition Bureau Canada)

The Competition Bureau Canada presents a series of animated videos that profile some of the most common types of scams featured in The Little Black Book of Scams. These 15 videos demonstrate the tactics that fraudsters use to deceive consumers and businesses, and show Canadians how they can protect themselves and their families from fraud.…

Report on Vulnerable Investors, Elder Abuse, Financial Exploitation, Undue Influence and Diminished Mental Capacity (CANADA)

Canada is currently in the middle of the largest inter-generational transfer of wealth in its history. In addition, Canada’s rapidly aging population has raised issues of elder abuse and mental incapacity. The Canadian Foundation for Advancement of Investor Rights (FAIR) and the Canadian Centre for Elder Law conducted consultations from coast to coast within Canada…

Protecting your Social Insurance Number

Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) is confidential. If your SIN falls into the wrong hands, it could be used to obtain personal information and invade your privacy. When the SIN is not linked to you as its rightful owner, another person could receive your government benefits, tax refunds or bank credits. Your personal information could…

NL Disaster Financial Assistance Program (Fire and Emergency Services NL)

Fire and Emergency Services FES NL FAQ for the Newfoundland and Labrador Disaster Financial Assistance Program (NL-DFAP) FAQ sheets answer the questions: What do we after we’ve been affected by flooding in communities and homes? Due to the recent flooding event on the West Coast of the island, how do I apply for disaster financial…

Violence Prevention Initiative. Respect Aging

The Respect Aging project was designed to educate and train various audiences in the recognition, prevention and intervention of violence against older persons. The Respect Aging training materials are meant to provide information, resources and tools for anyone who interacts with older persons affected by or likely to experience violence.  If you have any questions…

Government of Canada Services Guide for Seniors

This guide provides information about Government of Canada services and programs for seniors and their families. You will find information in this guide useful if you are 50 years of age or older, planning for retirement, caring for a senior, or a friend or family member of a senior.

Government of Canada Brochure. Having a Will and Making Funeral Plans

When we die, our families and friends will want to honour us by carrying out our funeral wishes. They will want to see that our money and things are given away the way we want. Your will is the easiest way to tell others how you want your property and possessions– called your estate– to…

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