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Date updated: May 16, 2023

Meniere’s & Tinnitus Resource Group

Are you experiencing Meniere’s, Tinnitus, or Both?
Want to ask questions about your symptoms, or talk about options that might benefit you?

1.Join the ongoing conversation about Meniere’s and Tinnitus in the Resource Group Facebook Group.

2.Call and talk with a Staff Person

3.Ask to be added to the CHHA-NL e-mail listserv or the Meniere’s and Tinnitus sublist (e-mail listserv) for Announcements, Information, Education and Resource opportunities.

4.Videos and Webinars about  Meniere’s and Tinnitus  

Book an appointment ONLINE, OR Book an appointment by phone or e-mail (see details below)

Booking an appointment guarantees that a person can:

  • Make a/an phone, in-person or virtual appointment at a time that suits their schedule.
  • Meet with a hearing loss support specialist at a dedicated time.

Voice:                       709-753-3224
Toll free:                1-888-753-3224

Text:                        709-725-3224 (see note below)


By video chat: for information and support. Please connect with staff to learn more about this option.

By text: you can reach a staff member by texting 1-709-725-3224. Please note: this number is intended for text only (voice calls will not be answered).




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